As it turns out, there is a section that is not affected by the pandemic - the freelancers. You see, all kinds of companies and big businesses have been hit adversely. So they really need to negotiate with a freelancer for the last penny, and of course, paying an advance is out of the question. And paying immediately after delivery is a "Surely, you're joking" situation. Although the grave Coronavirus has affected corporate India, the freelance populace continues to live a sweet, innocent pandemic-free world where money is not required for a transaction. Let's say feedback is delayed by 5 days or 10 days or 20 or who knows, how much time. As a freelancer you don't need to know because your time, effort, and energy is the dissipating, amorphous stuff that Russian scientists observe in somber Netflix series. (It's there - but not really.) So,let's say, in those 10 or 20 days or candy-floss infinity, the freelancer goes to the market to buy vegetables or med...