1. Had another call with the legal team of the company I was discussing the non-competition clause with. I could feel my stomach burn with anger. Had to keep calming myself down. They are doing their jobs. My security and well-being is my responsibility. I thought it was fairly obvious that the dye was set. It wasn't working out. I was going to end the call and they said...but wait. Let us discuss. We will revert. When I was younger I would have been chuffed about this. "Oh look! I am so important. They are waiting for me." Now I am not. This has nothing to do with me. They have their policies and culture. They wanted someone who is now not belonging there. Is this worth the inconvenience?
2. Meanwhile I started on another smaller assignment. It felt so good! It was fairly basic but I do feel that after every 5 years or so, experienced people must go back to the fundamentals. If nothing else, to scrub off the jadedness.
3. Today the cook had made 3 of my favourite dishes: bhakri, a sabzi made of dill and grated coconut and a thin gravy made of besan. It was yummy!
4. I have been on an ad script for a long time now. I quite like how it turned out. But not sure if the client will like it because it has already undergone several iterations. But this was one, juicy project. I liked how it stretched me... really stretched me.
5. My temper is really high now and my dad has to bear the brunt of it. The very morning that I am struggling with a project is when he will need me to help him with Microsoft Teams. Microsoft Teams is so shitty! It is the least collaborative platform ever. What are those godawful rooms or crap? And just as my dad is struggling here, his colleagues are struggling elsewhere. Today I just told my Dad to not talk to me unless he shifted Google Meet or Zoom. I mean...I never knew it was even possible for Microsoft to create anything more inconvenient than formatting in Word. But...who would have think?!
6. Tomorrow seems like an easy day. (So of course my dad will not be requiring my assistance with MS Teams). Maybe I will take my father out for ice cream. I think that's why I am losing my cool...the new veganism. Diet does play a role in such things. But actually no. I get very antsy around my father. If I acted this way with my mum, COVID or no COVID, I would find myself out of the house with luggage packed. My sweet, fiesty mommy.
7. I will initiate a Public interest litigation against family WA groups. I got out of mine when I realised that I would like to depart from life still having fond feelings for them.
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