Stupid, stupid day

 I worked through the night on a document and I lost it in the morning. Of course I didn't know that none of the changes had been saved. So I celebrated early morning looking at a russet sunrise and eating two bowls of phirni. V had got extra for my cook from Orissa, who I have called for a few months to take care of Dad. But she is spending a couple of days at my house first. She leaves tomorrow and I really am sad. She is so so good. 

Anyway V had got extra phirni for her and since I really love phirni, I was only too happy when she said that her doctor had ordered her to not have it. Still, I felt a little bad when I knew I was having her share. But then I peeled off the tin foil and scooped the creamy, delicately sweetened phirni and didn't feel bad any more. I got her a papaya which her doctor had recommended. (This is why I avoid docs. This useless advice on giving up phirni and all that I can't follow.)

Then my Dad came and I swear it's like he doesn't even know me. He asked me today if I wanted to learn vermiculture and go to Satara and do something. Vermiculture! Satara! I have been in the doldrums because I haven't been able to go to Zara. 

Anyway, really sad because my cook is going away tomorrow and there is no phirni in the house. I ate so much happy. It's really as if my tummy is working to its full potential. Anyway, anything for Daddy. 

Losing a good cook is quite traumatic. Don't feel like working anymore. I think I will take a few days off. Anyway, my regular one is there. She is really nice too. 

I want to go back to Varanasi and be surrounded by happy kachoris and joyful jalebis. Oh...and the Ganga, of course. 

Phirni, jalebi, kachori, bhaang, Ganga, my cook from many things I don't have/ won't have anytime soon. Truth be told, I am feeling a little sorry for myself.

One lives in hope though. 
