Monday, July 29, 2019

245 of 15,400

Things I am grateful for today:

1. Talking to a friend after really losing my cool. She calmed me down by telling me to always respond by counting to 20. Then she laughed and she asked me if I knew how to count to 20. For a panic-stricken second, I hastily counted to 20 to check. I can count.

2. Talked to another friend at night. He has peacocks near his home. That is quite a treat!

3. Went to receive my uncles and Aunt at the airport. A couple of them are staying at Taj Land's End, Bandra. They got a room that faces the ocean. The view was beautiful! Large rolls of waves crashing on Bandstand, the Bandra-Worli sealink standing like a self-playing harp, the strong gusts of wind and swaying trees, and a grey that could only mean magic... gorgeous!

4. Remembered something that the priest had said during the earlier havan. That life sometimes is like sitting comfortably in the house. If you have latched the door from inside, you are good with the situation. However, in the same scenario, if the door is latched from outside, you are anxious. The difference is that in one case you know that you can change the situation at your own behest. In the second case, you have to depend on chance. So now,one must aim to always believe that the latch can be opened from inside. I think he was making a point on self-imposed limitation.

5. Everybody's okay at home.

6. The boiled daal and rice was very tasty.

7. My eye twitch seems better. I think not having coffee has something to do with it.

8. Another friend shared some pictures of the fish curry and fried fish that he made. It looked so good! And then he also showed me pictures of a really yummy looking cake that he baked! The random things some people do on a Sunday! So talented and such a show off.

9. Liked the outfit I wore today - a black chiffon top with a singlet, a wide bottomed pair of silk trousers in black and white stripes, and a blush-colored duster - light and thin.

10. Loved the drive to the airport. Empty roads and a cinematic cityscape. 

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318, 319

 I have taken leave for 7 days and I think that will be good for me. Want to spend more time with Papa. So that is good. But all that is in ...