Sunday, August 10, 2014


Sunday was spent looking out at the rain in a papier mache world. Trees and hills slicked on with a brush, a pond somewhere varnished, pulp of a world gone by now recreating something else -a day, a season, a mood.Why should a world be any different from a craft project?


Anonymous said...

Papier mache world, varnished pond, trees slicked with brush...??? Not just mixed metaphors, its downright confused metaphors. Sounds highly contrived and a chore to read.... Don't force poetry into prose. Simple prose makes the best read.

Anonymous said...

Thanks Brother/Sister. I hope she listens.

318, 319

 I have taken leave for 7 days and I think that will be good for me. Want to spend more time with Papa. So that is good. But all that is in ...