Today, after yoga I went over to a friend's place in Baner. It's a really pretty apartment and his girlfriend and he have set it up beautifully. Bright colourful sheets and mattresses on the floor, a large wooden table by the side, and huge windows through which light from a muffled moon streamed in. The kitchen's stocked so neatly with little stuff-teensy black containers with sauces, large earthenware plates, and just a couple of wine glasses.
I love this part of setting up a house - having bits and pieces you will build regular days with...a cushion you will prop against looking at a guava tree, jars with sugar and coffee, mismatched tablemats that will be brought out for fragmented, so fitting. Like lego pieces. Bit by bit, they will stick and something will get built.
I loved the last line. Bit by bit they will stick and something will get built. amazing writing....
thank you. :-)
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