Sunday, July 29, 2007

I pray

I pray for strength to get past fury when people judge my actions out of context and criticize me.

Or worse, when they advise me.

I pray for strength to believe in the truth I have lived by.

I pray that I do not let other people's estimation of my character or my capacity to love hurt me.

I pray that I do not get judgmental of people, especially when they too speak out of ignorance, pain, or despair. As I have.

I pray that I am strong enough to get through a difficult marriage and still cherish the good moments I had.

I pray that I take care of my parents as unflinchingly as they have taken care of me.

I wish that I can get past the guilt that I have put them through so much trouble, and yet they are always, always there for me. And they are always, always smiling.

I pray that I never forget to appreciate this force of life that has given me so much. A family that will stand by me, no matter what. Friends who won't ask questions before they offer their shoulders to weep on. Colleagues who have shown the kind of compassion I hadn't expected from strangers.

I pray that I never lose the will to travel or write or try something new.

I pray that I don't hold it against people when they don't believe my side of the story. When stories get personal, biases are a given. Sometimes, even the most blatant sequence of events can be interpreted in various ways.

I pray that I never, ever behave like the people who make me angry.

I pray that I have the strength to keep silent when lashing out is tempting.

I pray that I understand the difference between ego and dignity.

I pray that I have the strength to pick my battles well. And having picked them, fight fair to the finish.

I pray for peace. For myself, for everyone. An agitated mind is an ugly mind.

I pray that I am a strong, happy parent to my daughter.

I pray that I can sing in the rain, again.

I pray that I can sleep through a night again.

I pray, with all my heart, to look forward to a tomorrow again.


Anonymous said...

Amen and God bless you.

Anonymous said...

I hope all your prayers come true...

Anonymous said...

all the best to you. take care

Unknown said...

i pray that your prayers are heard today ... :)

Anonymous said...

My prayers are with you. All the best to you. I pray that you soon find inner peace. Its a passing phase and I'm sure you will come out with flying colors.


Anonymous said...

Sincerely hope all ur prayers come true. No matter what, ur this friend will always be with you.


Puneet said...

I pray that you never lose the zest that i can feel in your blogs. All the Best!

Anonymous said...

I hope and pray that may the best happen for you....But I suggest marriage is something we should give time and patience.Whatever I have known of you from your blogs I know you are not a quitter.

Anonymous said...

I agree with anon's comment,"marriage is something we should give time and patience." Everything will be fine. Its just a matter of time.

Jay Sun said...

Our prayers are with take care now...

Anonymous said...

Wish you the very best. I am sure you will do fine.

Collection Of Stars said...

That was beautifully written. I hope all your prayers come true. I know you are going through a difficult time from reading your previous posts. Hope everything works out well for you :)

the mad momma said...

well.. as another married person, i'll echo those below, marriage does need time and immense patience. but i am sure you have looked at all those options. dont let us get you down. that is not the intention. I just hope and pray that only what is right and fit for you happens. God bless...

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 I have taken leave for 7 days and I think that will be good for me. Want to spend more time with Papa. So that is good. But all that is in ...