Wednesday, July 31, 2024

122, 123, 124, 125, 126, 127, 128, 129, 130

 I am really being tested but okay, let's suffuse ourself with gratitude.

1. Papa is well. A cousin is visiting and they are staying with him. So he is happy.

2. Weather has been nice.

3. Got the shower door repaired. Feel so good.

4. Cook really tasty banana dumplings.

5. I finished a product strategy report and presented it to the client. That was really tying up all my time and I was so nervous! But well, it went well and it got completed. I really am so relieved.

6. Enjoying a Coke Zero after ages.

Monday, July 22, 2024


 Have been in pain today but we will work the gratitude muscle:

1. Papa is well.

2. Weather was good.

3. I did a teeny bit of work today. It's good to have gotten the process started.

4. Had a deep conversation with Papa

5. I am still alive so there's chance for a do over.

Sunday, July 21, 2024


 I had not made my gratitude post yesterday so I am making it now.

1. Papa is well.

2. I had a great time last night. Went to Facing East in Juhu for a lovely dinner. We tried this set of glutinous rice with bamboo shoot that came steamed in lotus leave parcels. It was fragrant and hearty.

3. We went to the beach after dinner and it was gorgeous. The waves were high and roaring. It was high tide and the police came to shunt off everyone. But it was gorgeous.

4. I had a nice time returning - empty roads at night.

5. Was safe. There was food in the house, both help came, there was water and electricity. So, all in all, good.

Saturday, July 20, 2024

110, 111, 112, 113, 114, 115, 116, 117, 118, 119

 All the things that I am grateful for:

1. Papa is well and is with me.

2. Papa told me so many stories about his past today - his childhood, his life, etc.

3. I have gotten through most of the workdays.

4. I made a mistake at work - a rather big one. But I think I was able to pick myself and move on.

5. I finished one assignment on a tight timeline.

6. Have had food, water, and electricity.

7. Health somedays is good and some days is bad. But I have been plodding on.

8. Weather has been excellent.

9. There have been some nice sessions with colleagues.

10. Wrote this. So please read this:

Wednesday, July 10, 2024

Days 108 and 109

 I have been really unwell and it has been difficult to even get out of bed. But we plod on. There will always be some sweet and tender moments that we will be thankful for. So here goes:

1. Papa is well.

2. I had such a delicious walk around the neighborhood. Bandra is sweet and wonderful.

3. Had a lovely rickshaw ride.

4. Quite enjoyed a happy chat with a colleague.

5. Had some talks regarding some new business today.

6. Just checked my budget. So far so good. Nothing too scary and none of the out-of-pocket expenses yet. 

7. Had water, electricity, and food. 

Sunday, July 07, 2024

Days 105, 106, 107

 I don't feel like writing today. It has been peaceful but the book I picked up is quite thick and the plot is not moving as fast as I would like.

Still, when all else is gone in life, there will be this list of good things to remember. So here goes:

1. Papa is well.

2. Went to Colaba over the weekend. So gorgeous! I had taken the Coastal Link Road. It's stunning.

3. Doing a lot more reading now. It's just so much fun to be immersed in a book! 

4. Had a lovely conversation with a couple of friends.

5. There was food, water, and a whole lot of stuff. 

Thursday, July 04, 2024

Day 105

 I caused a lot of damage today. I am not happy about today but we have come over a 100 days scavenging for what is good. So here it is:

1. Papa is well.

2. There was food, water and electricity.

3. Both help came.

4. Ordered ice-cream for Papa. I was tempted to have but I did not.

5. One assignment is inching towards closure so I am likely to get paid soon - before the end of next week.

6. Finished reading Han Kang's 'The Vegetarian'. So beautiful and luscious!

Wednesday, July 03, 2024

Day 104

 I began the day late today and have been miffed about a few things. Why do NRIs think that everybody in the country has to drop whatever they are doing and rush to meet them? You may be coming from out of the country and you may be coming on your bi-annual trip. But I am sorry, I don't see that as an important enough event.

Anyway, I really want to trim my interaction with people drastically. There's just too little time in life to get this weary. Anyway, here are all the things that I am grateful for:

1. Papa is well.

2. Spoke to a friend and another friend came over to work.

3. I ate rice properly today with green chilly and peanut chutney. So tasty.

4. Got through the day.

5. Had food, water, electricity, and enough money to buy stuff.

Monday, July 01, 2024

Day 103

 Today was a sweet, dulcet day. I am feeling heavy and sleepy. But we can give a plush, happy push to begin July.

1. Papa is well. He is enjoying his plate of rice and palak here with me. I feel good with him in the room.

2. Paid off the salary to my two help.

3. Saw an urgent mail from a team member and addressed it.

4. Went to Mount Mary and the weather was scrumptious! It was a beautiful, soothing auto-ride.

5. Had food, water, money, and home. So so grateful for that.

Days 99, 100, 101, 102

 Life just feels hard and tiring. But still, here are all the things I am grateful for:

1. Papa is well.

2. Have food and water and electricity and a house to sit in and enjoy the rains.

3. I light a diya everyday. This makes me feel good - like that little flame is a witness that will tell the Gods that be that even though I was overwhelmed, I took a moment aside to say hello.

4. India won the World Cup.

5. 6 months of 2024 are done. 

6. I had a lovely Saturday evening with a couple of friends. We caught up at Mokai and then got some drinks at the Mandarin House on Hill Road. 

7. The weather has been luscious. 

318, 319

 I have taken leave for 7 days and I think that will be good for me. Want to spend more time with Papa. So that is good. But all that is in ...