This day did not begin well. It has not ended badly. So I suppose there is some comfort in middling satisfaction of things not having gone too badly.
I had told H, my cleaning lady, to clear something up. She didn't. It bothered me so much. That is what continues to worry me - an inability to just come to grips with something and let it go. Anyway, my mind is scattered and I have to update a storyboard that I have been delaying for ages. I have worked on it so many, many times!
And there's no finish line in sight.
Sometimes I wonder if this is where the concept of multiple lifetimes comes in and the resultant urge for liberation. Every life seems to be an iteration of the same work. You are never quite there because the client expectations and feedback and requirement keep changing. And then with every subsequent iteration, it gets difficult to approach with a fresh mind because all the comments of the previous iterations and highlights and notations are put in - so it is difficult to follow.
So all you are going for is to finish the work and really really hope for client sign-off so you don't have to work on that again.
I guess I figured something out today.
Anyway, all the burning, itchy agitation aside, here are 5 things that I liked today:
1. The cup of tea that I made for myself. It is perfect!
2. Liked my outfit. It is a sweet, snug vibrant sweater-type thing and joggers. My mom's clothes. So love that.
3. The weather was gorgeous and grey, gloomy, rainy.
4. The chhole was good. My cook made it a little too salty and spicy but it was good.
5. The episodes of Superstore I am watching. It is such a hilarious show!
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