It is one day after Christmas.
It is one week before New Year's.
I broke my phone.
But things are otherwise good.
I bought a planner and I am really looking forward to using it. This evening I put down some goals and contemplated the best way to approach them.
The reason this contemplation was important is because I felt angry and hateful towards a couple of people and places. I realized that this year alone I had thought, intended, promised myself many times about being more easy-going. It is not working all the time.
So I feel that my approach should be to take a more softer angle to this whole New Year's thing. I feel that if I have to succeed in accomplishing my goals, I need to see 1st January 2022 as a continuum to 31st December 2021. It's not yet a New Year. It's a New-ish Year because chronologically at least a new segment of time is beginning. But 2021 is still a cube of ice that will need the space to melt and dissolve.
So today the hard thoughts that I felt against least today I realized that how I feel about them has got nothing to do with them. Different people who had the same experience as me will (and have) feel differently. And getting to just this point took years of struggling.
Anyway, I do see this as a step in the right direction. I am reminded of an image I had seen years ago. A tiny turtle that has cracked out of the egg is walking towards the sea. The sea is a long way off.
And the message goes, "Take all the time you need. Forward is forward."
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