Saturday, November 27, 2021

All that charm!

 Watched O Kadhal Kanmani and Dulquer Salman is just all things wonderful! He is so, so charming! Nitya Menen is cute as a button and the fact that you don't see them 'acting' perhaps is indicative of how good they are as actors. But Dulquer is...I mean, you see that man and you think, *Okay. He's really good looking, so that's enough for me." And then he acts. And then he sings! And then he dances also! And if all this was not enough, he backs movies like Kumbhalangi Nights, which is one of the most delicious little treats I have seen in a while!

Gosh! He is really, really nice! Yes, it's a light, frothy movie. But I really had a smile on my face throughout the film. 

You know how you wake up after having a full night's restful sleep with peaceful dreams and you wake up to buttery sunlight filtering through your window? And you say, "Good morning" and you really, really mean it? Watching Dulquer is like that. 

He's just so nice!

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