Thursday, July 16, 2020

When the silence is sinister or peaceful

I had ordered for an obsidian last month. It got delivered today and it is so beautiful. It's smooth and cool to the touch and a luscious, glossy black. But the black somehow doesn't make it seem dark and heavy. It's black the way the Chinese or Japanese symbols depict water. It's a lake. It's quiet and liquid. What's really nice, though, is its genesis. It's a volcanic glass that is formed when the lava spurts out and cools really quickly before any kind of substantive crystallization can form. I have not seen Game of Thrones because I find that kind of thing tedious. But apparently there is a reference to a weapon made of obsidian there. 

For some reason, I think it will be a really nice thing to use in beauty treatment. I don't know if it is or it's not...but it feels really good and soothing to the touch.

I think I have figured out, in some measure, what it takes to work out one's karma. It's like trying to get over the limitation of your last drawn salary as a benchmark in future negotiations. It's hard if you think you can be ahead of the curve by upskilking, jumping jobs, etc. (Do, learning mantras, having havana, etc.) You somehow need to persuade the other side to see that you are worth more according to the scale that THEY value. Otherwise, it won't amount to anything.

Writing this makes me feel wise and hungry. I will get myself a snack. 

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