Saturday, August 17, 2019

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The day suddenly got difficult and hard.

Feeling nervous and a little scared tonight. Will pray. But a little about today.

It was a weird day. I had a funny dream in the afternoon and woke up but couldn't get up to have a bath.

I took a cab to work. The cab driver looked like he was only 12 years old. I asked him how old he was. He started the trip and said 53 minutes.

Oh well.

I am feeling very very lost in Bangalore. I can't read maps and I don't understand directions. So I can't book a share a cab or Quikr because I don't understand what direction to go in. I tried to learn though. I tried to understand the various parts of Bangalore but I can't.

I wish my father was here. He could explain maps to me.

Every time I open Google map and look, I only see a tiny tree that indicates that there is a forest nearby. But I can never find the forest or locate my place.

But I really like that tree icon. Sometimes when I am stuck in traffic on the Electronic City flyover, I imagine that we are all driving up and down a pine tree. And each house in Bangalore is a beautiful little ornament on the tree. My home, like everybody's home, is part of Christmas. And after sun down, everything is lit.

 So I spent all my money on the cab fare so I could only eat a plate of bhajjias in office. But no matter. I took the Christmas route.

(No electricity at home. Can't cook rice in the electric pot or make coffee for myself. I don't like fruits but may need to stock up on bananas or something now.)

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318, 319

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