Thursday, August 15, 2019

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Today has been a dull, emotionally exhausting day. I couldn't sleep too well last night. I had some bad dreams. Then a friend lost his cool with me. I this point...the number of stuck people who go on tirades about 'moving on' is not even funny. Sometimes I feel like I am not even meeting new people. I am meeting some variation of the same short-fused characters I have known all my life.
Everything is being brought up like bits of half-chewed scraps of experiences. Anyway, my rather proficient and extensive experience with anger has taught me that angry people seldom have a problem with anything outside of them. So, that's that.

But anger does tire me out. So I went out and had rasam and rice. It was really tasty. Then I went to the parlor to get waxed. I think I will wear something pretty tomorrow. Then I went to get some groceries. So much of what I bought does not serve me at this point in time. I have bought stuff as if I were a person with a fully functional kitchen and who loves cooking and who has to feed 10 people. But I did get a satchet of some Swiss Vanilla hot chocolate powder which I was planning to have tonight.

But it rained here so there's no electricity. My phone's almost out of charge and frankly, so am I.

But out waiting for a friend to turn up. Hopefully I will enjoy one cup of coffee in a simple, uncomplicated manner, go home and go off to sleep.

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318, 319

 I have taken leave for 7 days and I think that will be good for me. Want to spend more time with Papa. So that is good. But all that is in ...