Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Live and learn

There’s a book by Sydney Sheldon, ‘Stranger in the Mirror.’ The central character of this book is a guy who wants to make it as an actor in the big, bad world of Hollywood. Initially, he has to compromise a lot (there are a few gory descriptions of anal sex). Then one day, he becomes famous. At the climax of his popularity, something snaps inside him. He goes beserk in the pursuit of a good life – everytime he is with a woman, he feels bad that he could be with someone better. Everytime he is giving a show somewhere, he feels that there is a better audience he could be entertaining.

The reason I think about this now is because of a remark I came across a few minutes ago.

While the remark itself is innocuous, it got me thinking. I hope I never become the sort of person who makes a friend feel that I would rather be someplace other than with her. I hope I never impart the feeling that I was put to such inconveniences to be with her on her special day. I hope I never make my friend feel guilty for partaking in any of her outlandish ideas, if I do so voluntarily.

Somethings you understand only after being at the receiving end, I guess. But in any case, I do hope this is a lesson learnt for life.


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karmic said...

Ye. Or you can be the devil and wear a mask that never reveals what you feel. ;)
I know what you mean though, the best of you should be for the ones you care about no questions asked.

P said...

Know what you mean.. people say and do things without even thinking much but it can hurt!

Ameet said...

There's always something better out there - the secret is to learn to savour the present - what you have there and then. I feel sorry for people who haven't figured this out yet.

This reminds me of some vintage Pink Floyd:
Balanced on the biggest wave
You race towards an early grave

So true.

doubtinggaurav said...

Hmmmm , Shidney Sheldon, well your taste is reallllly radical.
Of all the Sheldons I read, I liked If tommorrow comes, and tell me your dreams, rest were chalta hai types

318, 319

 I have taken leave for 7 days and I think that will be good for me. Want to spend more time with Papa. So that is good. But all that is in ...