There is tremendous amount of work. I am quite enjoying it but it really requires military level of endurance. I have been snacking off and on lately but went to the gym today. I think I need to get more regular with that to cope with this.
I am now trying to really stay centered through all this. Talking to Papa helps. Meditation helps. Just closing the eyes and observing thoughts help.
Anyway, we have come this far. And let's stay curious about how things turn out.
1. Papa is well. Today was my parents anniversary but as mom is no more, I was wondering about whether I should call Papa. But I did. In these times you call people to congratulate their love, even if the marriage has changed form.
2. I ordered vegetables and they came in record time. I mean it was such a quick delivery that I thought he was waiting outside my door.
3. Saw a really interesting interview of this IIT Baba where he is talking about synthesising all knowledge through sound. This reminded me of the Bhramari pranayam that I did after ages!
4. I loved the rice and karela bharta I had for lunch.
5. Had a nice enough chat with my neighbour.
6. I am safe.
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