Day 4

 Grateful for the following:

1. Papa is well. He is with me today.

2. Quite enjoyed Madgaon Express. I was sitting next to a group of 3 boys who seemed a little wary of sharing their space with some chic holding a book and a bottle of Raw orange juice. I liked the film but these boys were laughing really slapping thighs and laughing and doing the high-five. Young people!

3. Cook had made really tasty food today.

4. Got home safe 

5. Every night I light a diya at the altar. A friend had told me that it helps keep your space safe. I have followed that advice for several years now. Today I lit two. Last few weeks I have not been feeling good health-wise. My forearms have been hurting off and on. As far as I can tell, there are no triggers really. Anyway, the human body is such a fragile, temperamental thing anyway. If it is in reasonable good shape to take you through the day, it's as much as one can ask for I suppose. Anyway, I sat in the dark looking at two little flames. In my faith, fire is deemed to be a witness. Any major vows or solemn oaths are to be taken before a fire so that it counts as a witness for your word. It converts a strange empty phrase to a promise you will be held to. We also believe that a human is a microcosm of an immense consciousness. And a wee flame of a tealight wick is part of an element that can burn down vast forests, large metropolises, and even stars. So there we were - the two of us, tiny tears of majestic canvases - both in a Bandra flat, looking at each other. Knowing we could be so much more. But happy with what we were. 
