Friday, September 17, 2021

Sweet little treat

 Thought I would take a minute to acknowledge all the nice things I have relished the last few days:

1. Had ordered a batch of sweet eclairs the other day. I didn't know Mad over Donuts had them. Anyway, I enjoyed a really yummy one after rough emotional days.

2. There are days when I just think about Ma. It still feels unreal. I don't think I am sad but I like thinking of her. Fills me with a soft cushiony lining of love. 

3. I liked what I did today at work. Turns out I like what I do even though having people around and minor melt-downs etc. are trying at times.

4. Talks with a couple of pals.

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 I have taken leave for 7 days and I think that will be good for me. Want to spend more time with Papa. So that is good. But all that is in ...