Sunday, April 11, 2021

A mixed bag

I finally managed to finish one assignment today. That was good. It was difficult at first. Projects that have been left alone for too long start having this stench of staleness. And then I have to really clear my deck completely to immerse myself in the project again. 

But I was happy with the work I did. And the feeling of a job well done is still one of the most luscious feelings in my life.

I felt bad for all my uncharitable thoughts related to the family. Sure they are difficult but they are all I have. I didn't realise how much of this experience was buffered by Ma. But one has to own up and show up. If I have to see things from their perspective, it's not like they won the family member lottery with me. I am sure they would like someone more amiable and cheerful in company. 

Dear God, give me the strength and peace and hormones necessary for coexistence.  

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