Saturday, August 10, 2019

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Things I am grateful for:

1. Spoke with some of my sweet, close friends.

2. Played Fruit Ninja.

3. Had a really bad dream. But woke up from the bad dream.

4. Ate rice and enjoyed a good cup of tea at Sanjeevani.

5. Dad and brother are okay.

6. Nice, cold weather here.

7. Watched Friends.

8. There was point during an office call when I missed my mother a lot. A lot. I really felt like poking a fork or stabbing my thigh with a sharp object to see if physical pain makes this other kind of grief go away. But I didn't do that. I took my mom's picture our of my wallet and sniled. Genuinely. She can and still does make me happy.

9. The DTDC man who came to deliver my landlord's credit card had a lovely ringtone. I asked him what it was. He said it was from a Telugu movie. It was very delightful.

10. I wrote today. So I guess I lived today.

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