Tuesday, May 28, 2019

188 of 15,400

I am feeling quite unsettled so I don't think I will write in paragraphs or sentences today. List is the preferred format for today:

1. Spoke with someone from a long time ago. I found myself blushing. Felt weird and very very good.

2. Had a massive migraine headache. Don't know what's going on there. I never used to get them and now I get them a lot. My friend recommended the Mahasir mudra, which really has helped me. I intend to make it part of my routine soon.

3. Mum's health is improving but still remains dodgy. I find myself in very dark moods for getting impatient with her, feeling so helpless with myself...Everyday I resolve to never lose my cool or have my heart harden. Every day I fail at some point. But hopefully, my fight is getting stronger and my return to the arena, more confident.

4. Just feel like buying lots of new clothes.

5. Cleared the fridge this morning. So much stuff was past the expiry date. Immediately, when I trashed the stuff, I felt good.

6. I intend to make some plans. Strong, concrete plans.

7. I think I will now grow my hair for a long while. Maybe I will only cut it next year.

8. At my friend's place the other day, we came across her M A notes. She really wanted to get rid of a lot of the zeroxes. I felt such a wave of nostalgia. I brought a few of them back with me.

9. I was feeling so constipated with ideas for a particular piece of work that I had to do. I wrote out the document while listening to an interview of Taylor Swift where she talks about adopting a cat from one of her music videos.

10. Need.to.rest.

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318, 319

 I have taken leave for 7 days and I think that will be good for me. Want to spend more time with Papa. So that is good. But all that is in ...