Monday, September 26, 2011

Just for evidence - Part 5 or something

Today, as I'd finished my walk, one of the cops I'd complained against told me to stop and then started asking why I had made a complaint against him. It was already 8:30 and there were fewer people walking there. Then he started beckoning people and asking them if they thought what I'd done was right. That is when I lost it. I told him what he was doing was very wrong, stopping women late at in the evening and interrogating them unnecessarily. And where was the lady constable? He said that there were no women constable in the chowki. One gentleman was helpful enough to step in and tell the cop that he couldn't just interrogate women like that. Then the cop told me to come down to the police station and I said no. I told him that I had written an email about what I wanted and he could do what he wanted as well.

I came home livid. Then I called up the PSI who I'd spoken with earlier. He apologized on the other inspector's behalf.

If there ever was a time to know the law and use it, it is now.

Wonder what is going to happen in the future. How this thing is going to play out...


Puneet said...

seriously, this is just so wrong.
Here's hoping you don't have to go through any more harassment.

Mukta Raut said...

well, at least something got done about it. Something seriously big got done. This cop,is possibly unnerved at being held accountable. Things are changing. they are changing for the better. One day, it will all be good.

Sunipa said...

Am worried with this development. It is good that something has happened. even then am worried.
Why dont you write an email again like last time about this incident and report it to the police? Telephone calls can be denied and forgotten, emails will not be. This guy could follow you home and as am sure all would agree, cops are dangerous. Please email this harassment incident again to record it.
Take care

318, 319

 I have taken leave for 7 days and I think that will be good for me. Want to spend more time with Papa. So that is good. But all that is in ...