Friday, June 12, 2009

Suggestions anyone?

Could anyone please recommend any spooky reads? Not gory spooky, but spine-chilling spooky. Along the lines of Rebecca, perhaps.

Jaygee recommended 'The Shining' by Stephen King, but I haven't been able to find it in the Crosswords at Mulund or Vashi.

Also, while we're at it, any spooky movies you can think of? Nothing with blood, or heads spinning around or monsters covered in glop. But something simple and surreal.

Thank you!

P.S. - I HATED 'The Ring - parts 1,2,3,...infinity' and although I thought 'Evil Dead Part 1' was good, I thought that at a time when I didn't know any better. My all time favorite horror film? Omen - Part 1.


I scribble here said...

for me, 'The grudge' has been the spookiest ever.. but if u dint like 'The Ring' I dont think you would like this one either
Also, 'The Others'?

Anonymous said...

"Drag me to Hell" ... is the latest thriller i saw. Was pretty decent !

Anonymous said...

Go for Exorcism of Emily Rose.
I am sure you will like it.


The Girl from Lokhandwala said...

I dont like spooky reads much but Nemesis by Agatha Christie really wowed me in terms of spookiness.

Anonymous said...

Suicide Collectors by David Oppegard;

tho i doubt if you could find it outside the Amazon...

Anonymous said...

It is only a short story but Walter de la Mare's 'All Hallows' is a pretty spooky read. extraordinarily well-written, imo.

- roots.

Sushma said...

Try 'Dark Water', it's kind of like The Ring...and you liked Evil Dead with all that toothpaste-y looking stuff but not The Ring?
Actually watch the Japanese versions of any of the horror movies...they'll spook you baaad!

Ashish Shakya said...

1408, starring John Cusack and Samuel L. Jackson is good. It's quite scary at first, and even though the fear factor drops a bit later, the movie is fairly trippy.

Mukta Raut said...

thank you all! Roots - I'll try to locate that short story on the Net.

And Idle...i LOVED 'Nemesis' by Agatha Christie...

Ashu said...

Give The yellow wallpaper ( a try.
I don't know if it fits your requirement.
Give me the feedback.

Satandit said...

~Hey girl, try watching the SAW series - its a psycho thriller and keeps you going WHAAAAT ???
Books hmmm... I liked 'The Shining', and not much else that I have read in the horror category spooked me as much as that one.


Anonymous said...

Spooky reads....The best I have read are the Dean Koontz novels...Fast and spooky without becoming cliched. Tick Tock is one of my favorites

DewdropDream said...

@ Nikhil: 'The Yellow Wallpaper'? Charlotte Perkins Gilman? That wasn't spooky... it was terribly depressing!

Papa Pancho said...

The Saw - Part 1 is good. Rest is crap.

If you want to really get shit scared and not sleep for the next 3 days and even then venture out only with some company and remember all the Gods etc, then watch "The Cannibal Holocaust".

Then "The Exorcist"

Then "Hostel"

And for movies that will suck the juice out of your mood at the end, watch "Bitter Moon" and "The Match Point".

But The Cannibal Holocaust is a must. Must watch till the end.

Anonymous said...

The Cannibal Holocaust definitely... but I found "The Ring" scary too..

also a bollywood flick "Gahrayee"


Maithilee Shirgaonkar Jamsandekar said...


'The Hand that Rocked the Cradle' is not exactly a horror film, but might fit the bill. Or try 'Serial Mom' - for an almost comic take on a thriller.

But why spooky anyway?! Be more jolly!

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