This isn't exactly a feminist tirade, but this is written by a woman, and it is written in annoyance. You raise your girls to be sweet, strong, and independent. (Wise parents teach their children to listen to opinions and discard or heed accordingly. The other ones just teach their kids to bullshit everything that everyone says. Still others bring up girls to be on guard and forget that spine so that everyone thinks well of them. I am not sure which is worse, but I detest people shoving their opinions down other people's throats in a show of liberation, so I'll lean towards the former. But only slightly.) As the gender construct of being a 'female' is pushed even further, you teach your daughter complicated activities – driving, perhaps, sending them off away from home, wearing a sari (those freaking pleats!), cooking and de-veining prawns for added advantage. At the end of that, you have a person who genuinely dislikes blending into anything, doesn't like bei...
I don't think you know me... But well, it's a few months now that I rather religiously read your blog.
here's wishing you a great year ahead:)
the other good people wished me in advance. :-)
Thanks guys!
- anumita
am countdowning my own :)
Also, I was just telling somebody the other day that even though I'm Hindu, I want a grave *just* so I can have a tombstone to leave some witty last words upon.