You get a little wiser and what is the use

Much has happened since the last few days - fever, food, fun, fights, freedom. Have come to realize that I can just about bear to work three days in a week. That fear is the worst kind of dishonesty to the self. That cracking open a well-seasoned crab to taste its succulent, sweet, fresh, moist yet melting meat is a many splendored thing. That keeping it simple is a protracted battle.

And yet, to the victor belong the spoils.


Anonymous said…
I have found the biggest dishonesty to self is letting it be
Anonymous said…
I have found the biggest dishonesty to self is letting it be
karmic said…
You sound so spoilt.. ;-)

just kidding.. enjoy life.
Mukta Raut said…
hello anon,

really? why so?

Hey karmic,

hee hee! Ditto.