Day 6

 Today I write simply because in the face of deep anguish, I have to be stubborn about gratitude. Like a school friend had told me in one of my darkest days, "Sabr Karo. Shukr Karo." (Be patient. Be grateful.)

So, today here are the things I am thankful for:

1. Papa is alive and well.

2. I met V after a fall out. Maybe we will fall out again. But going for bike ride with him and eating a Frankie just feels precious. Something I would like to do for as long as I am alive and in Bandra. He is extremely irritating. But he feels like home.

3. I got to and fro from work safe.

4. I had food on the table.

5. I had water in the taps.

It's painful. This day was painful. And tomorrow will be painful. But let the records show, we still noticed the joy and kept it aside.
