Saturday, January 08, 2022

A beautiful evening

 Today was a good day. Finished some stuff on time and learned a little more about human behavior. That human being me. And of course the way I learned about that is through a client's response to an email.

Sometimes it is strange how much of a person's behavior mirrors one's own unpleasant side. 

With that great little lesson under my belt, I decided to head to Vashi. It was a gorgeous night.

It snowed and it was ever so gentle. I had worn my new pink, fleece-lined boots that looked quite funky. But it made waiting for the cab really fun.

I was standing on Linking Road outside the Champagne Bar. Little specs of snowflakes floated down like tiny ballerinas gliding to plaintive piano music. The snow gently started dusting the neem and peepal trees. Shop windows started frosting slowly. It was all so very soft.

My cab pulled up and I got in. It's nice that cabs are serving liquor now. I helped myself to some peach schnapps from the mini-bar, settled to watch a Dulquer Salman movie, and waited to get home.

Waited to get home.

Sometimes that waiting can burn. It can parch you. It can sting and leave welts on your heart.

And some days it feels like the waiting is the most nourishing part of the journey. 

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 I have taken leave for 7 days and I think that will be good for me. Want to spend more time with Papa. So that is good. But all that is in ...