Monday, February 11, 2019

107 and 108 of 14,600

Usually I write a post at the end of every day. Today I am writing it in the morning. (Since I did not finish it then, I am writing it the next day in the evening.) Sometimes I get confused about why I am writing this blog every single day. I know that it was to build a discipline but a discipline for what? Record things every day or write every day?

Earlier, my motivation was the former - to record things every day. I was very impressed with something a friend had told me a couple of years ago. Rather, what two friends had told me.  One of them had quoted Virginia Woolf in the context of marriage or having a partner. She (Woolf) had said, "We need a witness to our lives."

Another friend had told me about this man called Jonathan Harris who had started this website called The website is described as a public library of human experiences. But just before he started this website, he had taken a year off. Every single day, he would take a photograph and put it up on this website. It was to bookmark or record the day as it went by. He wanted to be a witness to his life.

That is how I started writing but I think I will not hold myself accountable to write every single day though. Because this takes time and I am usually just sharing my musings. I also want to write some more structured pieces and build up my content on LinkedIn.

So maybe for the next few months, we will see how it goes.

In the last couple of days, I have met a couple of boys, one of who is a coder. It is interesting to get his insights into coding. I want to explore that - learn coding.

That, perhaps, I will definitely write about.

Anyway, that is that.   

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318, 319

 I have taken leave for 7 days and I think that will be good for me. Want to spend more time with Papa. So that is good. But all that is in ...