Friday, February 28, 2014

A day I missed

I had an off today. I didn't know what for but was later informed that it is MahaShivratri. This year, I had made some plans of fasting today and visiting the beautiful Someshwar temple near Baner. Instead, I had no clue that the day had crept up so silently. So I slept, watched some stuff on YouTube (an interview of the man who authored 'The $100 Start-up' was good), and went for yoga.

The yoga instructor, who is a really good teacher from Alaska, told the class that we are making progress. However, I don't think so. I think that there are so many postures that I can't even begin to get right. But, I suppose if I just stayed the course, things will improve.

Anyway, I walked back home after class through a beautiful, cool night. It was nearly ten o'clock by the time I got done. Some frugal rations had to be bought (end of month scenario going on at the moment). But I did spend on the last few hundreds on items that were not really necessary -like a chilled Red Bull that I wanted to enjoy in my balcony, a large packet of oats which had a delectable strawberry on it, and a few lemons. Pune's getting hotter now and sweet, chilled lime water with some pepper is quite lovely! Speaking of lovely beverages, there's a Masala Cola that served at Mast Kalandar that I love! A colleague called it 'Hajmola on fizz' as if it's a bad thing. That is exactly what it is and it's yummy!

Anyway, I got home and wanted to make something really simple. There was some daal and a beans and peas sabzi. I boiled a couple of potatoes with skin. Then I halved them, put a thick pat of butter on each half, and finished off with a screw of salt, pepper, and chaat masala. It was just so good.

A couple of friends have now moved to Gurgaon. Gurgaon, as of tonight, was enjoying scrumptious weather. Rains, fast winds, and from what my friend described, lots of chimes across the sprawling complexes going off together like some acoustic Mexican wave. Over the phone, I heard some delicious howling of the wind and splatter of rain. It made me deeply wish that Gurgaon was 3 hours from Pune.

I made some tea and here I am posting this. Day is gone but it was nice.



Anonymous said...

A request.. please write a few more of your cooking posts. I like them.. specially the ones which you cook yourself.

Mukta Raut said...

Hi Anon, thank you! But I cook very, very rarely and that's why those posts are so few and far between. He he! But will certainly start cooking some more and writing about them.

Anonymous said...

Okay... Still, your cookig while being simple, almost always gives ends up with a delicious food. That is why I would like to know more about what you cook.
P.S.: I also liked your dhaba stops on Delhi-Agra highway... even though I read them maybe 5 years ago.

Anonymous said...

And want to eat you also

Anonymous said...

Dear M,
The previous comment was not from me.


 Today was a tight and tough day. I had a useless call where I was told that things are not ready for me to start work. Things not being rea...