Tuesday, January 05, 2010

Flatmate in Delhi required

An ex-flatmate and a current friend is looking out for a flatmate. She stays in Saket, New Delhi. Lovely house from what I hear of it. And well, it’s Saket, right? So, why should you be living in the house, when you can be grooving at Hard Rock or watching movies at the multiplex closeby? (Yes, the location’s that good.)

Anyway, about my friend – she’s a very good cook. Very Good. (Notice the capitalization, people.) That doesn’t mean she’ll cook for you, though. I used to get lucky because I was her guinea pig for her tarot reading sessions. (Spectacularly inaccurate, but you don’t notice all that when she’s feeding you awesome pasta or poha or pulao.) Oh, and I’m a vegetarian. But I have seen her making and feeding chicken…and some cordon blue chef somewhere is unaware of great competition.

I am not sure, but I think she’d prefer a female flatmate. If you need more details, do write to me: mukta.raut@gmail.com. Will pass your queries, etc. on to her.

And it can’t be said enough…she’s a lot of fun. (Not funny…nobody besides her gets those jokes), but fun…most definitely!


Ramit Grover said...

Hmmmm... Sure, Would let you know.

Mukta Raut said...

Thanks Ramit!

vanderloost said...

Just browsing through your blog. Love the way you express yourself.

The right dose of humour and pragmatism.

Would like to read more.............

Until then...........


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