Friday, May 25, 2007

Some more cooking

Here’s what I began with:

Spaghetti. There were three-to four large bowls of chopped onions and tomatoes; some flakes of garlic, around three fistfuls of soya granules, little bit of capsico sauce, salt, freshly ground pepper, pinches of green chillies.

I boiled the spaghetti carefully in scalding water to which salt and oil had been added. In the mean time, I blended the chopped onions and tomatoes. It turned a really interesting color - a very soft, cozy pink. It could’ve been the color of a little girl’s birthday dress.

While the spaghetti was getting cooked, I also soaked the soyabean granules. When they were soft enough, I drained off the water.

It takes approximately twelve to fourteen minutes (not fifteen or else I would’ve heard our clock chime) for the noodles to be all soft, white, glistening, and separate. It looked like a Viking’s hair. A woman Viking, that is. She would probably have cold grey eyes and a luscious pink mouth. Pink like the blended tomatoes and onions. (It’s like I wasn’t cooking, see? I was creating a person. Spine-tingling, I tell you...this pasta business is spine tingling.)

Anyway, after the three main building blocks of my dish - the spaghetti, soya, and blended veggies - were taken care of, I moved to my favorite part of any cooking. Frying garlic. I love that. I like garlics - so cute and plump. I regard them as very wholesome, domestic, and yet so brave. Not like rude-looking ginger. For all that ruddy earthiness, what’s it good for? Spicing tea? My garlic fights vampires.

Anyway, little pearls of completeness were fried until brown. To this, I first added the blended tomatoes and onions. Then the soya granules. I kept stirring until the granules cooked and soaked in the flavor of the sauce. Finally, I put in the spaghetti and stirred it properly. Lots of intermittent tasting happens to check for salt and flavor.

Finally, when it’s cooked and ready, the dish looks like the beautiful Viking woman has confetti in her hair.


Anonymous said...

No Mustard? You are forgetting the oriyan lineage!!!

Mukta Raut said...


next time, i'll try it with mustard.

Aditi said...

food with poetry! LOL. Its almost too pretty-sounding to eat:)
I forgot. Let me intro myself. Hi Mukta!*waves* I stumbled into your blog ages ago and have been a faithful reader since. I think you rock:D

Mukta Raut said...

Hi Scribbler,

*waves back*

:-) It was tasty, I tell you. Not that I'm praising my own cooking but....I actually am. he he!

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 I have taken leave for 7 days and I think that will be good for me. Want to spend more time with Papa. So that is good. But all that is in ...