

 I have been feeling very tired and exhausted lately. Stomach is not okay. I get fever on and off. My sleep is so irregular that it's not funny. I really am exhausted and things are weirded out. I ate a large and very tasty breakfast today. But there's just a lot going on.


 I am really having a hard time focusing and also just health-wise. I felt so tired and wiped. I wish I have the energy to carry through the coming week because it's going to be a tough, busy one. Anyway, one step at a time and one breath at a time. Here are all the things that I am grateful for: 1. Papa is well. Spoke to him today. 2. The electricity went off today while I was getting a massage. But it came back on. And now it's there. (I am a little concerned about what I will do tomorrow but we will just have to wait and watch.) 3. The year is feeling really long and it is very exhausting. But I did allow myself a few hours of sleep today. 4. Went out for coffee with my neighbor to Sequel. It was a good, short coffee meet. Sequel is pretty even though the chef and wait staff are a little too hoity-toity. I am grateful that I have the resources for such little indulgences - a massage, a coffee treat, etc. 5. I had sufficient health to get out of the bed, walk down the road, e

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 Here are all the things that I am grateful for: 1. Papa is well. I didn't meet him for Dassera but he was going to the ashram and he seemed happy. 2. It was a tough day at work but got through it on Friday. The coming week promises to be challenging. But grateful that there IS work. 3. Painted my nails red for Dassera. They're looking pretty good. 4. The electricity had gone off today on Dassera but got restored at night. Thankful. 5. Had such a lovely time with a friend. We went to Bandra Born on Chapel Road. It was a happy night. My friend likes pork so she ordered that. I had a pasta with Burrata and tomatoes etc. Nice vibe and good fun!


 Today was a crazy day. Lost a lot of time to weakness and sleep. But still - went for a short walk and took a long, LONG auto ride to do Ma Durga's darshan at Lokhandwala. Let's see. Here are all the things that I am grateful for today: 1. Papa is well. Not heard from him but no untoward calls so that's good. 2. Was tempted to break the fast today and eat rice. But I did not.  3. Went for a quick spin to Lokhandwala and did the Ma Durga dasrshan. 4. Laptop was on the fritz but it started working again. 5. Resisted urge to eat chips. 


 I am grateful for a few things today. But I have to say that it was not an easy day. I am feeling very tired and sleepy and low on energy. Had not so nice feelings and conversations with a couple of people. A friend told me about her credit card fraud. That was scary. But still...will put down all the things that I can thank the pink clouds and velvety sunshine for: 1. Papa is well. 2. Resisted the urge for chips. 3. Managed to get in a workout. 4. Had a good conference call. 5. There was food, electricity, water and a roof over my head. 6. Liked myself in the white and blue cotton Nicobar kurta. 7. Saw a couple of episodes of House I enjoyed.


 Here are all the things I am grateful for:  1. Papa is well. 2. Resisted the urge to snack. 3. Had electricity and water supply and food. 4. Got pretty candleholders and watched teeny flickering flames. 5. Had two meetings. Got through the day.

Early morning and hello to the world

 It's just past 5. I was wondering whether I should begin work or really take it easy until later. Maybe go to the market to get a papaya and paneer and chillies. But it's compulsive - this typing on a page without any agenda.  Embers. I find myself thinking of embers and fire. And deep sleep and deep rejuvenation. And nourishing darkness. And in that darkness, embers.